Product Detail

Funnel Traps – BP



Funnel traps are used with Pheromone Lures and the lures are sold separately under the category of Pheromone Lures. Funnel trap SP is small and Funnel trap BP is bigger in size.

To Identify which insect species is present and to monitor adult moth activity.

Pheromone traps can be used to determine the period of accumulation.

To plan to release predators and parasitoides according to the number of moths.

Also to calculate the insect population density and their yearly population trends.

Economical, eco-friendly and ease of installation, less maintenance.

These traps supports beneficial insects to multiply and controls pests effectively and naturally. Well suited for organic farming. Helps in reducing conventional pesticide activity.

Start using from 7-10 days of the crop stage. Arrange the traps at an appropriate height of the crop, Never handle different lures at a time.

Lures must be changed for every 30days. Use clean hands while handling Lures.

Observe trap catches every 2-3 days to know the pest incidence and intensity in advance. Hence the pest control measures could be taken at right time.

Encourage and include your neighbouring cultivators of same crop to use pheromone traps, so that the pest can be controlled effectively.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg

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Beneficial Insects | Bio Pesticides | Bio Fertilizers